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My Charger Keeps Disconnecting: What Should I Do?

My Charger Keeps Disconnecting: What Should I Do?

We’ve all been there, you were charging your phone, but it seems that it constantly gets disconnected for some unknown reason. You readjust the cable and re-plug the charger, but you just don’t seem to get the charging notification on your phone for too long. So, you ask yourself, what is happening?

 When you encounter the charger keeps disconnecting problem; it is often caused by a damaged charging port, cable, or other components.  Let’s find out how to tackle this kind of problem and what troubleshooting methods can fix a specific issue.

Common Causes of Charger Keeps Disconnecting

Experiencing issues with your smartphone charger can be incredibly frustrating. When your charger keeps disconnecting, it affects the overall usability of your device. It often interrupts charging sessions and can lead to further damage if left unchecked. Understanding the reasons behind this problem can help in finding practical solutions. Let’s explore the common causes and how they impact your smartphone.

Cable Damage

One of the most prevalent causes of the charger that keeps disconnecting is damage to the charging cable. Over time, cables can wear out due to regular use. The wires inside may fray or break, leading to intermittent connections. If you notice your charger only works when positioned a certain way, the cable likely suffers from internal damage. This scenario frequently occurs due to bending, twisting, or pulling the cable too hard.

Faulty Charging Port

A faulty charging port is another common culprit behind the charger disconnecting. Dust, lint, and debris can accumulate in the port over time, causing poor connections. Additionally, the port might wear out or become damaged from frequent plugging and unplugging. This wear and tear can lead to loose connections and sporadically disconnecting the charger.

Power Supply Issues

Problems with the power supply can also lead to a charger disconnecting. Unstable power sources or using an incompatible charger can cause disruptions in the charging process. For instance, plugging your charger into a faulty power outlet or a power strip with too many devices connected can result in an inconsistent power supply.

Using a charger that does not match the specifications of your smartphone can also cause disconnections. Chargers have different voltage and current ratings, and using one that does not suit your device can lead to issues. Always use a charger recommended by the manufacturer to avoid these problems.

Battery Problems

Lastly, battery issues can contribute to a charger disconnecting. If your smartphone’s battery is damaged or has deteriorated over time, it might not hold a charge properly. This can lead to frequent disconnections during charging. Signs of battery problems include the phone getting unusually hot while charging, swelling of the battery, or a rapid decrease in battery life.

For both the iPhone charger keeps disconnecting and Samsung charger keeps disconnecting, the underlying issues in the charging port are similar.

If you ever need reliable smartphone chargers, we highly recommend the Anker 511 Charger (Nano) with USB-C to Lightning Cable. This 20W charger is designed for smartphones that require fast charging, like the iPhone 13. It’s also compact and portable, which makes them great for travelers and people who are always on the go.

Troubleshooting Issues of Charger Keeps Disconnecting

When dealing with a charger that keeps disconnecting, a systematic approach to troubleshooting can help identify and resolve the issue.

Inspect the Cable

Start by carefully examining your charger cable for any visible signs of damage. Look for fraying, exposed wires, or kinks. Try using a different charger cable to see if the problem persists. The original cable is likely the issue if the new cable works without disconnection.

Clean the Charging Port

If the cable is in good condition, check the charging port on your smartphone. Use a flashlight to look inside the port for any dust or debris. Gently clean the port using a soft brush or a can of compressed air. Avoid using sharp objects that might damage the port.

Check the Power Supply

Next, consider the power supply. Try plugging the charger into a different power outlet or use a different power strip. Ensure that the outlet is providing a stable power supply. If you use a third-party charger, switch to the original charger provided by the smartphone manufacturer to see if the problem resolves.

Test the Battery

If the problem persists, the issue might be with the battery. Observe if your phone heats up excessively during charging or if the battery depletes quickly. In such cases, taking your phone to a professional technician for further diagnosis and potential battery replacement.

In some cases, the charging circuitry within the phone may also be faulty. Professional diagnostics are often required to pinpoint and fix such internal problems.

If you ever need a reliable charger that won’t break down easily, try the Anker 715 Charger (Nano II 65W). This 65-watt charger is meant to charge smartphones, tablets, and even small laptops. It takes up less space on your work desk and bag without compromising its charging speed.

Tips for Proper Charger Management and Maintenance

Most people take their chargers for granted since they rarely interact with them, unlike the devices they charge. However, when added to your workstation, you must maintain your charger and ensure it has proper cable management. Doing so will prolong its lifespan and can save you a bit of money. Below are a few tips you should do when your charger keeps disconnecting:

  • Regular Inspection:Periodically check your charger cable for any signs of damage. Early detection of fraying or kinks can prevent more significant issues.
  • Gentle Handling:Avoid pulling or bending the cable sharply. Disconnect the charger by holding the plug rather than yanking the cable.
  • Protective Accessories:Use cable protectors or sleeves to prevent wear and tear, especially at the ends where the cable is most vulnerable.
  • Clean Charging Port:Regularly clean the charging port on your smartphone to remove any dust or debris that can obstruct the connection.
  • Avoid Overloading Outlets:Do not plug multiple high-power devices into the same power strip or outlet, which can cause unstable power supply issues.
  • Store Properly:Store your charger cable in a dry, safe place when not in use. Avoid wrapping the cable too tightly, as this can cause internal damage.
  • Use Manufacturer-Approved Chargers:Always use chargers recommended by the smartphone manufacturer to avoid compatibility issues that can cause disconnections.


Knowing the cause of a charger keeps disconnecting is a must if you need to get it fixed or replaced. Fortunately, Anker creates high quality and reliable chargers. Moreover, smartphone manufacturers are also moving to a standard charging platform like USB-C.


Why does my charger keep falling out of my phone?

Several reasons can cause a charger to fall out of the phone. A worn-out or loose charging port can prevent a secure connection. Accumulated dust or debris inside the port can also cause the charger to slip out easily. Additionally, a charger with a damaged or misaligned connector can fail to stay in place. Cleaning the charging port and using a high-quality charger helps maintain a firm connection.

How do I know if my charger port is damaged?

Detecting a damaged charger port involves checking for physical and functional signs. Look for visible signs of wear and tear, such as bent pins or misalignment. A loose or wobbly connection can also indicate damage when plugging in the charger. Functionally, the port might be damaged if the phone only charges when the cable is held at a specific angle or doesn’t charge at all. Seeking professional repair services can accurately diagnose and fix the issue.

Is repeatedly connecting and disconnecting the smartphone charger harmful?

Repeatedly connecting and disconnecting the smartphone charger can be harmful over time. This action can cause wear and tear on the charging cable and the port, leading to loose connections and intermittent charging. Frequent disconnections can also strain the battery, reducing its lifespan. To minimize this damage, avoid unplugging and ensure the charger is securely connected each time you use it.

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