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Anker SOLIX EverFrost 2.

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1. Annual electricity generated by solar panels are based upon ideal conditions. Calculations were used from this website: https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/en/tools.html
2. For a balcony solar power system without storage, the proportion of energy used is 42.42% and is rounded down to 40% in the example above. Data is based on 40,500 data points from Anker SOLIX users in Germany during 2024.
3. The self-consumption rate of balcony power plants with storage factors in ideal consumption time and conversion efficency, deriving from data analysis from Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW): (https://solar.htw-berlin.de/rechner/unabhaengigkeitsrechner).
4. Annual electricity savings are based on energy rates of €0.40/kWh, which was taken from the official average electricity rate in Germany during H2 2022.
5. For a detailed explanation of calculations and data sources, please see: https://www.anker.com/eu-de/blogs/balkonkraftwerk-mit-speicher/senke-deine-stromkosten-mit-einer-pv-anlage.
  • Annual Savings = Solar Panel Electricity Production × Self-Consumption Rate × €0.40/kWh