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Balcony power plant with storage
How to Build Your Own Solar System: Step-by-Step Instruction

How to Build Your Own Solar System: Step-by-Step Instruction

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Embarking on the journey to build your own solar system is both an empowering and intricate endeavor. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process, providing you with the essential insights and considerations for a successful installation. From weighing the pros and cons of taking such a hands-on approach to detailing the meticulous planning and preparation required, we delve into each critical step to ensure your venture into renewable energy is both rewarding and informed. Our objective is not only to enlighten but to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to harness the sun's power independently, making a significant stride towards sustainability and energy independence.

Can I Install a Solar System Myself?

The short answer is yes. However, the prospect of installing a solar system on your own brings with it a unique set of challenges and considerations.

Knowledge and Skills Requirement

Installing a solar system requires a solid understanding of electrical systems and construction principles. The complexity of installing solar systems can vary widely, ranging from the simple, user-friendly plug-in balcony power plant to the more intricate grid-tied rooftop systems.

Legal and Safety Considerations

Germany has stringent requirements for solar installations, including necessary permits, compliance with building codes, and adherence to the EEG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) feed-in tariff regulations. Electrical work of the solar system needs to be inspected and approved by a certified electrician or a specific network operator to ensure compliance with VDE regulations. This means professional involvement is still required in the installation process of your DIY project.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Your Own Solar System

Deciding to build your own solar system comes with its own set of pros and cons. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals, technical ability, and budget. Here's what you need to consider:


  • Cost Savings:One of the primary motivations for individuals to build their own solar systems is the potential cost savings. By cutting out professional installation fees, you can significantly reduce the overall expenses associated with going solar.
  • Customization:DIY solar installations allow for a high level of customization. You have the freedom to choose the components, brands, system size, and storage options that best suit your energy needs and budget. This flexibility can lead to a more tailored and cost-effective solar solution.
  • Energy Independence: Building your own solar system fosters a sense of energy independence, reducing reliance on grid power and fluctuating energy prices. With a solar system to build yourself, you can directly influence your energy security and sustainability.
  • Environmental Impact: Taking a DIY approach to solar installation allows you to directly contribute to environmental conservation. By harnessing renewable energy, you reduce carbon emissions and support the transition to a greener future.
  • Learning Experience:Starting on a solar project can provide a valuable learning experience. Understanding the aspects of solar panels, inverters, and the overall system can empower you to take control of your energy production and consumption.


  • Time and Effort:The process of building and installing a solar system can be time-consuming and physically demanding. It requires a significant investment of your time, from planning and sourcing materials to the actual installation and setup. For those with busy schedules or limited physical ability, this could be a substantial drawback.
  • Complexity and Risk:While basic solar installations like a balcony power plant with storage can be straightforward, the complexity increases with system size and integration features. There's also a risk of injury when working with electrical systems or on roofs. Additionally, improper installation can lead to system inefficiencies, increased wear and tear, or even damage to your home.
  • Warranty Concerns:Professional solar installations often come with warranties that cover both equipment and workmanship. When you build your own solar system, you assume responsibility for these aspects. Any issues that arise may require additional expenses for repairs, potentially offsetting initial cost savings.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Challenges:Navigating the legal requirements, building codes, and utility regulations can be daunting. Failing to comply with these can result in fines, forced removal of your system, or denial of grid interconnection. Professional installers are familiar with these requirements and can often handle the necessary paperwork and permits on your behalf.

While building your own solar system presents opportunities for cost savings and customization, it's vital to weigh these benefits against the challenges of technical complexity, time commitment, warranty and regulatory considerations.

Planning and Preparation Before Installing a Solar System

If you decide to go with the DIY approach, thorough planning and preparation are paramount. From coordinating with your local network operator to optimizing your roof for sunlight exposure, the following pre-installation steps lay the foundation for a robust and efficient solar energy setup:

Contact Network Operator

Before you commence the installation of your DIY solar system, it's imperative to get in touch with your local network operator. They will provide critical information on grid connection requirements and any necessary adjustments to your electrical system. This step is vital for both safety and the technical feasibility of feeding electricity back into the public grid.

Roof Modification to Eliminate Shadows

Shadows cast on solar panels can greatly affect their efficiency. To maximize the performance of your DIY solar system, consider making roof modifications to eliminate potential shadowing. Trim overhanging branches, relocate obstacles, and ensure that neighboring structures or vegetation won't cast shadows on your solar panels throughout the day. In some cases, modifications may be needed to optimize exposure to sunlight or to strengthen the roof's load-bearing capacity.

Check Alignment and Position

The efficiency of a solar system is heavily dependent on its alignment and position relative to the sun. Prior to installation, carefully assess the orientation and tilt of your solar panels. In Germany, the ideal orientation is usually south-facing, with an inclination angle that matches your latitude for optimal sun exposure year-round. Ensuring proper alignment will maximize the exposure of your panels to sunlight, enhancing overall energy production.

Steps to Build a Solar System Yourself

The process to build your own solar system requires careful execution. Below, we'll outline key steps involved in the DIY solar installation process, guiding you through each stage to ensure a successful and efficient solar energy setup.

Assemble the Roof Substructure

Before mounting the solar panels, it's crucial to assemble a sturdy substructure on your roof. This provides a stable foundation for the panels and ensures their secure attachment.

  • Use high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for the substructure.
  • Ensure the substructure is properly anchored to withstand various weather conditions.
  • Align the substructure according to the planned layout of your solar panels for optimal efficiency.

Wiring Interconnection of Each Module

Once the panels are securely in place, the next step is to establish the wiring interconnection. Proper wiring ensures the seamless flow of electricity from each module to your solar inverter.

  • Use weather-resistant and UV-resistant wiring to prevent deterioration over time.
  • Implement a clean and organized wiring layout to ease future maintenance.
  • Double-check the polarity and connections to guarantee a reliable electrical circuit.

Make an Appointment with an Electrician to Connect and Inspect the System

Despite the DIY nature of your project, connecting the solar system to the grid and performing the final inspection must be done by a certified electrician in Germany. This step ensures your installation meets all safety and regulatory VDE standards.

The electrician will verify the system's safety, ensure proper grounding, and confirm that it complies with the EEG for grid connection. This is also the moment when your system's compatibility with the public grid is assessed and authorized.

Carry out System Registration

Finally, registering your solar system is a mandatory step in Germany. This involves notifying the Federal Network Agency about your new installation, typically via the Market Master Data Register (MaStR) website. If you decide to enhance your solar setup with a battery storage system, it's essential to register this battery addition separately on the website, right alongside your initial PV system registration.

Additionally, if you intend to feed surplus energy back into the grid and benefit from feed-in tariffs, you'll need to complete the necessary paperwork with your local utility company. These steps are crucial for legal compliance and to ensure you receive any applicable subsidies or feed-in tariffs.

Having meticulously followed these steps to establish your solar system, from assembling the substructure to the crucial system registration and inspection, you're well on your way to reaping the benefits of solar energy. For those who find the process daunting, Anker offers a streamlined solution with their SOLIX balcony power plant options, simplifying the transition to solar power.

The Anker SOLIX balcony power plant, with its RS40P 445W panels and micro-inverter, simplifies green energy with its DIY installation in just 2 hours. Offering up to €4272 in savings over 30 years, 25% efficiency, and a 30-year performance guarantee, it's a smart choice for eco-conscious households. Plus, real-time data via the Anker App enhances user experience.

The Anker SOLIX balcony power plant with storage is a game-changer for eco-conscious households. Its 890W PV and 1600Wh storage capacity promise significant savings over 30 years. The real standout feature is the installation simplicity: a Plug&Play setup completed in just 2 hours. With flexible angle and placement options, it maximizes energy generation effortlessly.


Embarking on the journey to build your own solar system is a commendable endeavor that not only speaks volumes about one's commitment to sustainability but also saves you considerable installation costs. Throughout this guide, we've explored the feasibility, detailed the advantages and drawbacks, and provided a step-by-step approach to planning, preparing, and installing your solar system. While the process involves careful consideration and some hands-on work, the outcome can be immensely rewarding. With the right preparation and dedication, building solar systems yourself can be an enlightening journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future.


How much does it cost to build your own solar system?

The cost of building your own solar system varies widely depending on several factors, including the size of the system, the type of solar panels used, and the complexity of installation. On average, for a residential PV system, the costs can range from approximately €1,200 to €2,000 per kilowatt peak (kWp) installed. This estimate encompasses expenses for solar panels, inverters, mounting hardware, and other necessary components.

Can you build a solar system on every roof?

While installing solar panels is possible on many roofs, several key factors affect feasibility. The roof's orientation and tilt for sunlight exposure and potential shading from nearby objects are crucial considerations. Additionally, the structural integrity of the roof and its ability to bear the additional weight must be assessed. Consulting with a solar professional can help determine if your specific roof is suitable for a solar installation.

How far can the inverter be from the modules?

The distance between the inverter and the solar modules can vary, but it's generally recommended to keep it as short as feasible to minimize energy loss through the cables. Ideally, the distance should not exceed 15 meters (about 50 feet). However, with proper cable management and the use of higher quality cables, distances up to 30 meters (about 100 feet) can be accommodated without significant power loss.

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