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How Much Does a Solar System Cost in 2024?

How Much Does a Solar System Cost in 2024?

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Over the past decades, energy bills have steadily climbed. Taking control of your energy costs is possible with solar power, allowing you to save thousands of dollars in the long run. Therefore, choosing to utilize a solar system is a significant decision that can have long-term benefits for both the environment and your finances. Before making the switch, the most important thing is to take the cost into consideration. This article will explore the costs of solar system to help you make the right decision.

How Much Does Solar System Cost?

The cost of a solar system for your home can vary widely, influenced by several key factors. These include the system's capacity, the type of solar panels you choose, and the amount of available roof space. In Germany, residential solar systems typically range from 4 kilowatts peak (kWp) to 10 kWp in output. Let's delve into the expected costs for systems with and without storage capabilities.

Solar System Cost: No Storage Function

For households primarily active during daylight hours, a solar system without energy storage may be a suitable option. This setup allows you to directly consume the solar power your system generates, without the need for storing excess energy. The cost for such systems can range from €7,000 to €25,000. The wide price range accounts for variations in system size, panel type, and installation complexities. Opting for a system without storage is a cost-effective way to harness solar energy, provided your energy consumption aligns closely with sunlight hours.

Solar System Cost: With Storage Function

For those looking to extend their solar energy usage beyond daylight hours, incorporating a storage system is an attractive option. Storage allows you to save excess energy generated during sunny periods for use during evenings, cloudy days, or whenever sunlight is not sufficient.

For urban dwellers or those with limited space, a Balcony power plant presents a unique and innovative solution. A prime example is the Anker SOLIX balcony power plant with storage, which offers a seamless blend of efficiency and convenience. With an 890W PV system paired with a 1600Wh storage capacity, it's designed for quick Plug & Play setup, making solar energy accessible even in compact living spaces.

Options for larger scale systems include:

  • SolarSystem with 5 kWh Storage: A system with a 5 kWh storage capacity enables a moderate level of energy independence, allowing you to store enough power for essential evening and nighttime use. These systems are priced between €13,000 and €32,000, reflecting the added cost of batteries and the necessary technology for energy storage and management.
  • Solar System with 10 kWh Storage: For households with higher energy demands or those seeking maximum energy independence, a 10 kWh storage system offers the ability to store a significant amount of energy. This is especially useful in regions with less predictable sunlight patterns or for families with irregular energy usage schedules. These top-tier systems come with a price tag ranging from €20,000 to €38,000 but offer the greatest flexibility and potential for energy self-sufficiency.

Operation Costs of Solar Systems

Beyond the initial purchase and installation costs, solar systems come with ongoing operational expenses. These include maintenance, repairs, and insurance costs, which are essential for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your system. According to studies by Fraunhofer ISE and HTW Berlin, these operational costs are estimated at around €26 per kWp annually. For a 10 kWp system, this translates to approximately €260 each year. While these costs are relatively low compared to the savings solar energy can provide, they are an important consideration in the overall financial analysis of adopting solar power.

Factors Affecting Solar System Prices

Here are some key factors contributing to the variation in solar system costs:

  1. System Size:The bigger your system, the more electricity it can produce, but it will also cost more upfront. Think of it like buying groceries: a larger cart full of food will cost more than a smaller one, even if you're buying the same types of items.
  2. Location: Sunnier areas generally need smaller systems to generate the same amount of energy as shadier areas. This is because the panels will be exposed to sunlight for more hours, allowing them to produce more electricity. So, if you live in a sunny place, you might pay less for a system that meets your needs.
  3. Equipment Quality: Just like with most things you buy, higher-quality solar panels tend to be more expensive than standard options. These premium panels might be more efficient at converting sunlight into electricity, potentially saving you money on your electricity bills in the long run, but they also come with a higher initial cost.
  4. Installation Complexity: The ease of installing your solar system can affect the price you pay for labor. Factors like the type of roof you have, how easy it is to access your roof, and any additional electrical work needed can all influence the installation costs. For example, a complex roof setup or needing to run new electrical wires might add to the overall cost.
  5. Taxes and Regulations:Depending on where you live, there might be government incentives like tax credits or rebates that can help offset the cost of installing a solar system. However, regulations and permitting requirements can also vary by location, so it's important to check with your local authorities to see what applies to you.

But if you want to turn to a more affordable way to decrease your energy bills, you might try Anker SOLIX balcony power plant. Compared to larger, roof-mounted systems requiring professionals, Anker Balcony power plant with storage can plug-and-play or with simple installation. And it is ideal for balconies, patios, or areas where installing a larger system isn't feasible.

Value of Solar System

The value of a solar system extends far beyond its initial financial investment, offering a multifaceted array of benefits. Not only does it significantly reduce electricity bills over time, potentially saving thousands over the system's lifespan, but it also increases energy independence by harnessing renewable resources directly at home.

Moreover, solar installations contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. The addition of features like the Anker SOLIX balcony power plant with storage further enhances this value, enabling even those with limited space to partake in the solar movement. With advancements in technology and increasing accessibility, solar systems represent a smart, future-proof investment for both individual households and the broader community.


In conclusion, the cost of a solar system varies based on its capacity, storage options, and operational expenses, yet the long-term value it brings in energy savings and environmental impact is undeniable. Whether opting for a basic setup or integrating advanced storage solutions like the Anker SOLIX, solar power stands as a viable, sustainable investment. By understanding the factors affecting prices and the intrinsic value of solar energy, homeowners can make informed decisions, contributing to a greener future while enjoying significant savings.


How Much Does a Solar System Cost per M2?

Solar system costs per square meter can vary widely, typically ranging from €400 to €1,000, depending on factors such as panel efficiency, installation complexities, and regional price differences.

When Is a Solar System Worth It?

A solar system is worth it when long-term energy savings outweigh initial costs, typically within 5 to 10 years. Ideal conditions include high sunlight exposure, rising electricity rates, and available incentives. It's also valuable for those prioritizing environmental impact and energy independence, enhancing its worth beyond mere financial returns.

How Much Does a 10 Kwp PV System with Storage Cost?

A rough estimate of a 10 kWp PV system with storage could range from €20,000 to €38,000.

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