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What You Need to Know about Photovoltaics on Open Spaces

What You Need to Know about Photovoltaics on Open Spaces

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Harnessing solar power has become a compelling option for homeowners, particularly those with access to open spaces. Photovoltaics on open spaces provide a robust solution for reducing energy costs while contributing to environmental sustainability.

This article will explore the essence of these systems, highlighting the key benefits of their installation and the various types available. We'll also discuss the technical considerations necessary for a successful setup and offer insights into smaller-scale options for those with limited space. Keep reading to learn more!

What Are Photovoltaics on Open Spaces?

Photovoltaics on open spaces refer to solar panels installed on large, unobstructed areas like fields, deserts, or unused land. Unlike rooftop installations or urban solar projects, these setups take advantage of vast stretches of land, maximizing energy capture from the sun.

These systems harness solar energy and convert it directly into electricity, which can be used for residential or commercial purposes. Open space photovoltaics stand out due to their scalability and efficiency, making them a significant option for investing in renewable energy.

Homeowners with ample land can transform these spaces into productive, energy-generating sites. The technology behind these systems has advanced significantly, allowing for greater efficiency and reduced costs.

Key Benefits of Installing Photovoltaics Systems on Open Spaces

Installing PV systems on open spaces is better than putting them in limited space. Aside from getting more coverage and flexibility when getting solar energy, here are other key benefits it gets:

  • Increased Energy Production. Because of the lack of obstructions, open-space PV systems can capture more sunlight, leading to higher energy output.
  • Cost Savings. Over time, homeowners can significantly reduce their electricity bills by generating their own power.
  • Environmental Impact. These systems reduce reliance on fossil fuels, thereby decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Property Value Enhancement. Installing a photovoltaic system can increase property value due to the added energy infrastructure.
  • Energy Independence. Homeowners can become less dependent on the grid, providing more control over their energy sources.

Types of Photovoltaics Systems on Open Spaces

Photovoltaic systems come in various shapes and designs to optimize gathering solar energy and taking advantage of open spaces. Here are some of the popular types of this system:

  1. Ground-Mounted Systems

These systems are installed directly on the ground using mounting structures. They are ideal for large open spaces and can be oriented and tilted to optimize sunlight exposure throughout the day.

  1. Solar Carports

Solar panels are installed on carport structures, providing shade for vehicles while generating electricity. This dual-purpose system is suitable for homeowners with ample parking space.

  1. Solar Canopies

Like solar carports, solar canopies are elevated structures that provide shade while generating electricity. They are versatile and can be installed in various open spaces such as parks, playgrounds, and outdoor recreational areas.

  1. Floating Solar Panels

Floating solar panels can be deployed in areas with water bodies. These panels float on the water's surface, utilizing unused space to generate solar energy.

What to Consider When Installing Photovoltaics Systems on Open Spaces?

Before you install a photovoltaic system on an empty lot on your property, you must first consider several factors. Below are some of the technical considerations that you should assess:

  1. Site Assessment

Conduct an in-depth analysis of the property to determine if it's a viable candidate for solar panels. Evaluate key aspects such as the level of sun exposure, presence of obstructions that may cause shading, and whether the ground conditions are suitable for heavy structures.

  1. Permitting and Regulations

Navigate the legal landscape by securing necessary approvals and ensuring adherence to all relevant local guidelines. This involves a comprehensive review of the area's zoning laws, environmental impact considerations, and adherence to safety standards.

  1. System Design

Tailor the photovoltaic system design to the unique features of the site. Consider the types of solar panels, the arrangement of mounts, and the spatial layout to optimize energy capture and operational efficiency.

  1. Installation Process

Carry out the installation. Setting up the mounting structures, installing the solar panels, and connecting the electrical components. Professional installers ensure the system is correctly integrated and functioning.

  1. Integration with Existing Power Systems

Seamlessly integrate the new solar setup with the existing electrical grid. This step is crucial for managing energy distribution, installing necessary conversion devices, and ensuring that the system can efficiently handle energy transfer and backup.

  1. Maintenance and Monitoring

Implement a maintenance plan to keep the system running smoothly. Regular cleaning, inspection, and monitoring can prevent issues and ensure long-term performance.

Exploring Smaller Scale Options

While large open spaces offer significant advantages, homeowners in urban settings can still benefit from renewable energy practices on a smaller scale. A balcony power plant, for example, presents a viable solution for those with limited space. These compact systems can be mounted on balconies or small rooftops, capturing sunlight and generating electricity for immediate use.

Though smaller in scale, these installations follow the same principles as larger open-space photovoltaics. They convert sunlight into electricity, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and lowering utility bills. These systems are particularly advantageous for apartment dwellers or those with limited yard space, demonstrating that even small contributions can impact energy sustainability.

One exemplary model to consider is the Anker SOLIX balcony power plant. Known for its sleek, black design, the Anker SOLIX not only enhances the aesthetic of any balcony but also integrates smoothly with various architectural styles. It boasts a remarkable efficiency rate of 25%, ensuring optimal use of solar energy for maximum power output and significant cost savings. Additionally, the installation of the Anker SOLIX is notably user-friendly, requiring merely two hours to set up with a DIY-oriented design. This ease of installation empowers homeowners to implement their own energy solutions swiftly and without the need for professional help.


Photovoltaics on open spaces offer numerous benefits, from significant energy cost savings to reduced environmental impact. Homeowners can generate substantial electricity by utilizing large, unused land areas, enhancing energy independence and property value. So why not try it out for your home and see how life-changing it could be?


Are there any effects of photovoltaics on open spaces on biodiversity?

Yes, photovoltaics on open spaces can positively impact biodiversity. A study by the German Federal Association of the New Energy Economy found that solar parks, enhanced by measures such as sowing wildflowers, exhibit significantly higher biodiversity compared to control areas, promoting a richer variety of flora and fauna.

Can Installations of Photovoltaics Systems on Open Spaces Coexist With Agricultural Activities?

Yes, installations of PV systems in open spaces can coexist with agricultural activities, offering dual benefits. Agrovoltaics is a practice that combines agriculture with solar energy production, allowing for the cultivation of crops or grazing of animals beneath or around solar panels. This approach can help maximize land use efficiency, improve crop yields, and provide additional income streams for landowners. Just careful planning and consideration are necessary to ensure that the PV system's layout and orientation do not interfere with agricultural operations or cause shading that could impact crop growth.

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